March 1, 2009


Hi all!! Well, I am slowly trying to get back to doing a few things each day - Tony hooked up the laptop for me so I can at least check email and do some blogging. I really miss seeing everybody's projects so I am hoping to feel well enough today to do some of that. I am still on bedrest although I am allowed to get up and walk to the bathroom which I can now do by myself! Wednesday I will go back to the doctor to have all the drains removed and hopefully start to get my life back to normal. I have set the goal of doing my DT work this week - I think I will be able to handle that. I cannot promise a post everyday just yet, but I will start posting some things. I miss it, I think it will be a good therapy for me! I want to thank all of you for the sweet sweet comments you have been leaving, all the really nice emails, and the fabulous cards I have been receiving. It warms my heart to see that people are kind enough to take the time to send me a handmade card. Once I am back on my feet, I will show all these beautiful cards in a post - they should be seen! Take care and I will post again soon!



Rose Ann said...

I've been thinking about you, Alex...and hope your recovery is going well!! Hugs!!

Natalie said...

Good to hear from you Alex. Get well soon. x

pescbrico said...

I'm glad to see you are healing :) We will be happy to read you when you will have the energy for it :) (((((HUG))))))))

Nikki Bond said...

So glad to hear your doing well! Can't wait to see you back on your feet! Speedy recovery wishes coming your way! {sMILES}

Debbie Yates said...

Prayers and hugs to you my dear...I am so glad to hear you are recovering...just take your time....God bless-

~Denise Lynn~ said...

Happy to hear you're feeling better Alex! Get all the rest you need. {{hugs}}

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear you're feeling a bit better hun!! Take care of yourself!! :) HUGS

Sharon said...

Glad to hear things are going good for you. Get plenty of rest and you'll heal faster. Take care!

Tracy.H said...

So glad to hear from you Alex! You take care, rest up and get better. :0)

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Oh Alex, so good to hear from you! Now take the doctors orders and rest, recuperate! Can't wait till you're all the way back though Ü

Wendy said...

So happy to see your update, Alex! I've been thinking about you and hoping that you are recovering well. Continued good vibes for a super speedy recovery!!


P.S. I just KNEW you'd be thinking about stamping the whole time!

Erin... said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Get lots of rest:) Hugs!!

Melissa said...

Miss you bunches Alex!

Many Blessings,

Cheryl KVD said...

Nice to hear from you Alex! Hope you are getting better! Sending hugs your way!

Shannon McGann said...

Love and prayers to you, Alex. I hope you're feeling better soon. You're the best! Take care of yourself and don't push yourself too hard!

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Hi Alex, It's great to hear from you and hope you are healing well. Big Hugs, Nikki x

Heather P. said...

YAY, so glad to hear that you are starting to feel better!! :)

Lyzzydee said...

HI alex, Kegetting well, missing you

Chris said...

nice to hear from you! glad you are doing so well! i have missed you!

Debbie Yates said...

You are so welcome...prayers and hugs to you...was the surgery successful? I am guessing yes since you are home and healing....

Dawn Easton said...

(((Alex))) Glad you are recovering and are up a bit! I hope you continue on the road to good health! Miss seeing you!

corinnesomerville said...

Take care of yourself !!! You know we'll all be here waiting for you WHEN you're ready !! Don't worry...we love you and only want you to get better !!!

Love you and wish I could hug you !!

Meg Giroux said...

I have been thinking about you Alex...glad to her you are doing better. big Huggs....

Latisha said...

hey girly girl!
thinking about you and just wanted to say hello!

Unknown said...

So glad to hear your healing Alex!! Take it easy and get a good full recovery - we're thinking of you!! :)

Risa said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are on your way to a speedy recovery Alex. Take your time and try not to do too much though.

Mama Schroeg said...

Can't wait until you can stamp again, sister! Speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

I hope you start feeling better really soon.... we're all thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Alex, I'm glad to hear your recovery is going well! Take it easy and I'm sure we'll see you back on here soon.

Jo said...

Oh Alex, only just popped over as I hadn't done any blogging for a while and realised you've had surgery. Do hope you are OK and sending you BIG hugs. xxx

Maureen said...

so glad to "hear" your voice Alex!! Don't do too much!!!!
love and hugs

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Hi Alex! Oh my, I'm such a horrible blogging friend! I haven't been blog hopping! I hope you are doing well! I hope your recovery continues to go well! Take care of yourself, my friend!! Get lots of rest, and take it easy!! Huge HUGS to you!!

Lauren said...

Just take care of you Alex!!!