today is the big day. I have been interviewing for a VERY big job at Chico State University since February - many long waits, three interview phases....and yep, I am at the final phase with my last interview today!! I believe it is me and one other person right now(their interview is Monday).....the day starts at 7:30am at the University and goes steadily through until tomorrow night at 7pm, ending with dinner! They have me scheduled to meet everyone from the Provost on down so it will be a very busy, eventful day! I was afraid I would jinx myself if I shared the information, but I wanted to share today because I am excited and nervous and really hoping this job is mine!!! So, no stamping last night because I was busy getting ready!! Wish me luck and keep your fingers AND toes crossed -
The Best of our British luck
Ohhh BIG hugs and prayers Alex!!! Even got my eyes crossed for ya!! LOL
Best of Luck Alex...I'm sure you don't need it though!
Go Alex Go!
Good luck!
Have a great day!
You've got everything on my person crossed for good luck and I'll even throw in several prayers!
Good luck sweetie!
Holy smokes...what a process!!! Crossing my fingers and toes!!!
Wishing you lots of luck Alex!!! HUGS!
Best wishes, Alex! Keep us posted!
Best wishes my friend!
Many Blessings,
Hi there, Hope everything goes your way. It sounds really exciting! Good luck.
Good luck!!
THe best of luck and happiness as you proceed through to reach your goal.
Best of luck Alex! I hope you get it! They would be lucky to have you!
Good Luck Alex and let us know how everything went.
Wow! That's so amazing, Alex! My fingers and toes are crossed for you, and I'll pray too! :) I hope all goes well for you! Can't wait to hear how everything goes.
Best of luck, Alex! I'll be thinking of you and sending best wishes your way! Hope that job is yours!
I've got my fingers crossed for you! Good luck - I'm sure you'll wow them all just like you do all of us! ~chris
Good luck Alex! I hope you get it!!
Good luck, Alex!!!!!
Good Luck!!!!!! I really hope it works out!
Oh sweetie....I'm praying big time for you !!!! I know you'll keep us posted !!!
Big Hugs & Love ya!
Oh my,GOOD LUCK to you Alex!!
I've got it all crossed,fingers,toes,arms,legs,eyes and even the ss in crossed!
Hugs to you!
fingers crossed! and good luck Alex!
Keeping everything crossed for you Alex...throwing in a prayer too..Good Luck!!....Hugs, Ila
Good Luck Lambikins!! YOu are a shoe-in!! To have come this far - just share your love and your passion and you will not go wrong!! Can't wait to hear the final decision.
Fingers, toes, knees, ankles, arms and eyes are crossed . . . it's getting pretty hard to see & type this way . . . GOOD LUCK GIRLFRIEND!!!!!
You will do great!!! Keep us posted!!!!
Got my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! I'm sure you will "wow" them with your intelligence, kindness, and talent!
Best of luck, Alex!! I'm crossing my fingers for you as well!! ;)
Good luck Alex, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. x
Best of luck Alex!!!!
Wow! What exciting news! I hope it went well! I can't wait to hear all about it!
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