Hello all!! WHEW!!! I am home from Convention and all I can say is AMAZING!!!!! I had very good intentions of posting each day I was there but I was getting up at 6am and going to bed at night at 12 or 1am so no time for posting AT ALL!! I managed to make a few FB comments, but that was it! Sooooo, I thought I would share a few highlights over the next few days to make up for it :-) First off, I wanted to share that I EARNED THE INCENTIVE TRIP TO DISNEY WORLD FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!!!! I am soooo very excited, I got to walk across the stage for the very first time at Convention, earned FREE stamp sets, got some great new pins of recognition, and I get to take my family on a rockin' free vacation!!! Here is the first picture - it is Jen, Kimberly, and me- my sideline andupline who also earned the trip! Can you tell how happy and excited we all are, lol?!!! It was so very cool to join these two talented ladies up on stage!

Here is a picture of my badge that I got to wear showing all the neat things Stampin' Up! gives you to highlight your achievements of the year. Believe me, some of these ladies have like seven of those little tags under their badges and a ton of little pins, but hey, I was THRILLED to my toes to wear the ones I got :-) It is just amazing how this company makes you feel sooooo special with everything you do - from each and every little milestone you achieve, they are right there with you cheering you on!! It is sooooo very cool to be part of something as AWESOME and FABULOUS as Stampin' Up! Okay, so one of the BEST parts of Convention are the other demonstrators there - I have made some wonderful friends over the last four years through these events and this year was no exception! I roomed with three other members of my group under Kimberly, although I had never met any of them as they all live in Colorado Springs. Well, let me tell you, I have NEVER laughed so much as I did with these three fun, warm, and giving ladies!! I made three great friends and I will cherish them forever!!

Here are some pics of on Awards Night with our other friend and sideline Christie who is the beautiful lady in the very middle!! My room-mates are Amanda, Donna, and Josie - aren't they all just gorgeous??!! I love you ladies!!!! Here is another shot of Amanda, Donna, and I - Josie was off getting into trouble I am sure, lol!!!! It felt good to laugh as much as I did - they are the best roomies a gal could ask for and I look forward to seeing them in January at Leadership (hint,hint)! So, I am guessing you would like to see some of the fab projects SU! shared with us?? Oh, and the new mini products ladies - hold on to your panties, they OUTDID THEMSELVES AGAIN!!! I am sooooo thrilled with the new mini - can't wait to be able to share the actual products with you all ! But, what I can do is share some of the fun projects made with our new stuff so here are a few!!!

This first projects is made with some of our fun new holiday sets from the upcoming mini (available for demos to preorder out of on August 1st and customers can start ordering September 1st). It is a fun little gift package of shortbread cookies that are decorated using the new cookie press stamps we are going to have - oooh, I cannot WAIT to get my hands on these!!!
Here is another shot of the cookies themselves - aren't they just the cutest??!!
I just love that we can make custom cookies using stamps - what a fabulous gift this will make!!!! Although, they are so very cute, you may not want to eat them, lol!!! However, since shortbread happens to be one of my ultimate fave type of cookie, I just might have to make the sacrifice and eat one or two *wink* I mean, if I run out, I can always stamp some more, right?? And, of course I will want to share so there will be LOTS of these cuties made in the Hobson household this holiday season *wink*

Another very cute project that we got to see was these adorable stockings - I just love Christmas and these are sooooo stinkin' CAUTE!!! I can imagine me making TONS of these to string along my mantle with my families names on them!! So adorable - another MUST have for me (sheesh, I want it ALL, ROFL!!) Since buttons are a particular weakness of mine, I totally adore these fun stockings - they are traditional and look handmade, everything I totally love about Christmas! Ahhhhh, another one that will have to be MINE all MINE come August 1st :-) Hurry up and get here, lol - I want to place my preorder! Another great perk of being a demonstrator, and one I tend to take advantage of with every new release *wink*

Last, but by no means least is this beautiful Christmas box that YOU can actually own if you sign up to be a demonstrator by July 31st! Yep, if you become a part of my team by the end of this month, not only will you get a fabulous starter kit for only $99, but you will also receive everything you need to make this gorgeous Christmas box FREE!! And, since I am having a get together at my house to make these with the new members of my team, you also get a really fun girls night with me and my new team members complete with dinner and everything :-) And, just look at this box??!! Don't you want to have one of your very own??!!!! I would LOVE to have you on MY team so
email me and let's chat - but hurry, this offer is only good until the 31st of July and then it is gone along with the fabulous $99 kit!!! I for one am really looking forward to putting this beauty together with the fun new members of my team - I am ALWAYS up for a girls night in :-) Soooo, I have shared some fun stuff today from Convention and believe me, my head is spinning with all the great new ideas and products they shared with us!! I will show a few more fun projects tomorrow so make sure you check back to see what else we got to see at Convention! Until then, I hope you find time to STAMP SOMETHIN' :-)