Where have I been??!! I bet you all are wondering, lol!! I have been up to my eyeballs in cards!!! This past Saturday was my Annual Cards for the Troops Event and I have been madly cutting, stamping, punching, tying bows, and prepping kits for all the wonderful people who signed up to help make these cards to send over to Afghanistan to our sponsored unit NMCB 3 who left recently and will be gone for a long while. Sooooo, I have had no time at all to post, but I thought today I would share the pics from Saturday and show you all the hard work definitely paid off!!!

And, it was definitely a family affair in the Hobson household - my wonderful husband Tony, and my two kids Tyler and Kayla were all there, making cards alongside our good friends Les and Cyndi and some of my club gals Lori and Elle - it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I saw them all stamping away!
I am very proud of my family, especially my kids, who recognize and understand the sacrifices military members and their families have to make - they have done it many times themselves!!!
Here is a picture of my man making cards - I am going to have to enlarge and frame this one since I dont' get him in my stamp space too often, LOL!! He is a great supporter of my business, but stamping is just not his forte, heeheee!! He was a great sport on Saturday though!!!

Finally, here is a picture of all the completed cards - don't those stacks look beautiful??!! I love it - I have soooo many cards to match to envelopes now and with all the generous donations of supplies such as baby wipes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. there will be quite a few boxes heading over!!! Just look at this gang - don't they look proud??! I wish everone had been able to stay until the end as I would have loved a picture that incuded them all, but this group stuck it out and I just had to have a picture!!! It was a great day and I am looking forward to doing even better things next year!! And, if you are still reading this post, you ROCK!!! I know it is long, BUT it was a great story to share! Tomorrow I will be back with my Christmas Canvas that I just taught - till then, Happy Stampin'!!!