1. If you could have $100.00 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose? Definitely paper - I cannot seem to get enough of it!
2. If you had to choose between using only stamps or ribbons, which would you choose? I really do love ribbon, but I love my stamps too, so I would have to say stamps.
3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards and layouts but could only do one for a whole year…which would you do? Definitely layouts since scrapbooking is definitely my passion.
4. Would you rather own a scrap booking store or have your own scrapping room at home? I have wanted to own my own scrapbook store for a long time and I am still looking into the idea - it is a HUGE risk but I think it would be soooo much fun! And, I love to have a scrap room at home to call my own...is it greedy to want both - LOL!
5. What is your CURRENT card making or scrapping style? I would have to say it varies so maybe eclectic? Hmmmm....this one is a hard one!
So, there you have it. Now, I have to tag four people but everyone seems to have already been tagged so if you have not, consider yourself chosen! Now, here are two more pages to share today. 
The pictures are of my kids carving their pumpkins with Grandpa keeping a watchful eye out to make sure they are doing it right! I love these shots because this is the first Halloween that my children have ever spent with my in-laws and I just love the fact that they have this memory now! I used some pumpkin DP from my stash because it was perfect for the layout and then I backed one picture in apricot appeal (it really looks like a light orange to me) with strips of the same along the bottom of the page. I used pumpkin pie for the other picture and stripped the same paper but layered it vertically this time. I stamped pumpkins on the creamy caramel tag I had and colored them in using my stampin write markers. The tag is inked on the edges with apricot appeal and then I added some cute May Arts ribbon from my stash. The pumpkins are die cuts that I popped up on dimensionals and used for my journaling. Both pics are mounted with brads - black and orange, how appropriate, huh?! I also added some of the same ribbon to my son's page because well, I love ribbon!!!! Again, I personalized my journaling by handwriting it out. I truly love these pages for what they represent to me and my family. I hope you enjoy them too!!! We will be putting in the wood flooring in our new house this weekend so I will not have time to blog but I will be back on Monday with new pages. Have a FABULOUS weekend!!