Good morning all!! I hope you enjoyed your long holiday weekend - I know we certainly did!!! We had a big bbq here at our house on Sunday night with all of our family, and we swam, ate, drank, and laughed until late into the night! It was a lot of fun! Then, on Monday, we went to my SILs house for another bbq, more swimming, and of course, fireworks!! It was so much fun - I had to spend all day yesterday catching up on all the things I just did not do so I could play, but it was oh so worth it!! This first picture is my handsome man - he just loves the pool, and I love this pose, lol! He is in this pool every night after work - I am so very glad we put this in last summer and at least this summer, we get to enjoy it the whole summer instead of just one month!

This next shot is my daughter Kayla who was doing her best not to let me take any pics of her but I waited her out, and when she came up for air, I snapped the shot! She is beautiful - I love taking pics of her! And, here is one of all the cousins standing under the waterfall - those kids were in the pool for six hours straight - talk about some tired kiddos! And, they all stayed over that night, and it was nice to have a house full of kids again!
They got up the next morning, and after a big breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and bacon, they were back in the pool until it was time to leave to go to my SILs house! They are all just water babies, and I love it - not only are they having fun, but they are outside in the sunshine, and getting some exercise as well!
Tony was the official chef of the afternoon, not that he minds - he loves to bbq! As you can see, most of the adults hovered under the shade in the outdoor kitchen, although us ladies were in the pool a good three hours chatting while the guys served us margaritas - not a bad deal, right, lol??!! They were really good because Tony created this wonderful concoction with real fruit in it, and it was oh so refreshing - we just had to be careful because when they are that good, they go down rather quickly, lol!

And, check out the yummy food we had! Tri-tip, grilled zucchini, fresh grilled corn on the cob - yummo! And, we had some wonderful fresh salads and fruit to accompany all of this - needless to say, nobody went hungry, lol! If there is one thing this family knows how to do, it is to eat, heehe!

In fact, the only thing that got Tyler outside with the rest of us was the lure of the smell - he finally came out and just chilled while waiting for dinner to be done as he said he did not feel much like swimming - what??! It was 109 degrees - in that kind of heat, I am ALWAYS ready to so swimming, lol!
So, he just hung out in the shade getting picked on unmercifully by his Uncles and his dad, although Tyler gives out as good as he gets these days! He is bigger than some of them now, and so he can hold his own, pretty much!!! So, there you have it - a fun day by the pool, relaxing with family - I think it is the BEST way to spend a weekend! Okay, so I will be back with something crafty to share tomorrow - I have been stamping, but a lot of it I can't share yet because it is for specialty swaps at Convention, BUT there are a few and I will post some tomorrow :-) I hope you weekend was a fun as ours was! Thanks for stopping by and letting me share a little piece of my family with all of you! Time goes by so fast, each moment with them is precious- make sure you hug them, and tell them how much you love them - they never get tired of hearing that!! And, if you get a chance, Stamp Something today :-)