Okay, today was not the greatest day. I ran around like a crazy woman trying to get everything done that needs to be done for my ceremony next Friday. BUT, the print shop lost the programs and now have to do a priority rush on the new proof I had to send them. Sheesh - I about had a heart attack! Then, I decided to try my hand at some stamping today (I have not been able to stamp or scrap for about a month since I had surgery on my right hand) and managed to hurt myself and bust open a stitch - dummy me!
THEN, I went to the mailbox - and I got the nicest RAK from Kimberly VanDiepen who I feel very privileged to have as my upline but more importantly as my friend. ANYTIME I get an envelope with her return address label, I have an instant smile on my face because I know the envie will have something
fantabulous in it! AND, of course it did! She sent me this beautiful tile that she made for me with my initial on it and with the gorgeous french script in the background and the really pretty flowers as an accent. Kimberly, you made my week and turned my Friday into a wonderful day! HUGS TO YOU GIRL - YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! For those of you who don't know Kimberly (hard to imagine), please go check out her blog, she does some awesome stuff!

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!