And, my friend Chris at Just Me tagged me with the following tag:
(1) Spending time with my children
(2) Having adult time with my husband (does not happen nearly enough)
(3) Being in my stamp room being creative
(1) Losing one of my children - this really does scare me!
(2) Heights, I hate them and can not ride any amusement rides for this reason
(3) Pit Bulls! When I was nine months pregnant with my son, I was attacked and mauled by one and they scare me to this day!
(1) To be debt free
(2) To travel with my husband (and not be in the military, just for fun!) while we are young enough to enjoy it!
(3) To enjoy living in the small town I find myself in and find all the positives about it!
(1) Getting my Stampin' Up! business to a level where it is contributing to the household
(2) Losing weight which is why I am on Weight Watchers! (have been stalemated for three weeks now - uggghh!)
(3) Making sure my children get everything they need to be happy, healthy, and successful!
Corn on the cob. I love the stuff and eat it almost everyday right now.
(4) Everything in the new Stampin' Up! Catalog - no, really, EVERYTHING!!!!
(1) I am actually a little shy and I have to force myself to introduce myself to people - but once I get to know you, well, all bets are off!
(2) I always wanted to be a lawyer and was actually at one point in my life getting out of the Navy as I had been accepted to law school - my lifelong goal was to be the District Attorney and then a judge (well, it WAS my goal, lol!)
(3) I have always wanted to own my own scrapbook store - how fun would that be???!!!
(4) I love to sing and karaoke quite a bit - and have my very own karaoke machine at home that I can sing on - yep, it's true!
So, now that I have scared you all away, I will leave you with the four wonderful ladies who are getting tagged by me - LOL! They are:
(1) Rose Ann aka Paper Delightz (love her AND her blog!)
(2) Chris aka Chris' Corner (she is a HOOT!)
(3) Dani aka Dani Gets Crafty - (Amazing woman!)
(4) Angie aka Schwooo! by stampinangie (Love her, very talented, and makes me laugh!)
Okay ladies, I did it so I hope you will too! So, now I am off rest my leg and then to play with my Big Shot - make sure you stop by tomorrow because I will be featuring creations using my new toy - whoohoo!!! Until then, have a fabulous weekend! Toodles!