Well, I am frantically running around trying to get ready to leave for Annapolis which means suitcases, piles of clothes, and nervous dogs. I have two little weiner dogs( Bonnie - pink collar and Clyde- red collar)who are attached to my hips and they hate when I am gone. You see, usually when I get out a suitcase, it means a long long time away from home. Normally, Clyde gets into my suitcase and won't get out so I now put it on the bed. So, as I am packing this morning, the two of them are driving me crazy because they won't leave me alone. Finally, I had to scold them and send them to their chair (they have claimed the lazyboy recliner in my room). But, they looked so sad and cute that I just had to take some pics and share! So, here they are:
Bonnie likes giving me this big soulful looks with her eyes which means I have to pet her and Clyde gives me these looks like I can't believe you are leaving me! Aren't animals funny! Gotta love them though! I will not be able to post while I am gone but I will have some great pics to share when I get back which means scrapbooking! So, see you all next Tuesday!