Isn't this gorgeous??!! I was amazed - everything in this display is made of paper, but looks sooooo edible, just yummy LOL!! Gorgesous renditions of cakes, cookies, lollipops, cupcakes, etc. - just absolutely eye catching!

This second pic is a desk I want in my home - as long as it has everything you see here already ready to use, lol! Isn't it fun and inspiring? I just love the use of the Decor Elements on the door, the fun calendar on the cork board, and of course the flower paper clips :-) I wanted to sit down right then and there and start to stamp but Candice would not let me, heehee!
This next picture was located in the vintage room and is just beautiful! All of the items were antiques and were accented with all handmade items made from our beautiful vintage items in the new catalog - I just loved this room! I could have stayed at Riverton all day - there was so much to look at and see, and we got to talk to quite a few of the staff there who were as wonderfully warm and friendly in person as they are when we talk to them on the phone! I tell ya, next to being a demonstrator, these folks have the best job in the world - I am wondering how the commute to Utah would be, LOL! So, after doing the tour, it was time for all us gals to get ready for the Flower Power party over at the Convention Center. We met up with my stamping group once we got over there and of course had to take some groovy pictures!
Candice and I even got on taken on the way over - hey, we did not care who was looking at us funny, we were having a wonderful time *wink*
Once we got there, we met up with my friends from my group - here is a picture of me, Kimberly (my upline) and Christy (my sideline) in our Flower Power gear, lol! These two women are such a hoot and I have really missed them. With all of us being military, we have moved several times so none of us are in the same location any longer. So, Convention and Leadership are the times we are all able to get together and have some fun! Kimberly is the one in the black wig and Christy has the long locks :-) 

So, I will leave you with one last picture of yours truly having fun at the Flower Power party and then I will say goodnight until tomorrow night when I pop in to update you with some more Convention news :-) Thanks so much for stopping by and please let me know what you think so far - you just know you all want to come with me next year, right? Have a good night!