Happy Monday all!!! Whew!!! What a totally busy weekend - on Saturday morning all the male relatives were at my house to help Tony put up our fence around the property - no mean feat when you have 10 acres. But, with the help of everyone, all the posts are up and in concrete and next week the rest will get done! On Saturday afternoon, the moms took all the kids to the fair for my nephew's birthday present (that is what he wanted) and it was a great time!! I will share pics later on in the week. Then, yesterday we went over to my SILs house to celebrate my nephew's birthday, open gifts, and have cake and ice cream! Then, I raced home and started working on the two workshops I have this week - one today, one tomorrow - YIKES!!! But, I am ready for tonights and will finish with tomorrows today! So, I want to apologize now for not stopping by and saying hello to everyone and checking out your beautiful creations, but as you can see, my hair has been on fire!! But, I promise that tomorrow I will make time!!! I was up very late last night, but got up at the crack of dawn because
........I PUT MY FIRST ORDER IN FROM THE NEW CATTY, WHOOOHOOOO!!!! Have you all ordered??? If you need to submit an order and you don't have a demo, send me an email and I will get you a catty so you can start enjoying all the fabulous stuff in this new book!!! Okay, back to my projects!! So, this is the project we will do tonight - it is an accordian tag scrapbook that can sit on a shelf or on a desk! I don't know these gals, but my hostess says they are all scrapbookers who have been looking for some scrapbooking projects so I am all over it - LOL! There are four tags, each with its own pocket and I added pics to three of them and used one as decoration just to demo how versatile this type of project is!! I used my fabulous
Bella Rose Dp along with two stamp sets and a
Jumbo Wheel:
Eastern Blooms (Looooovvvveeee it!),
Doodle Wheel and
True Friend which I thought was the perfect set because since these gals have been friends since grade school. And, then I have a really cool project for my own work area as well, *wink*

As you can see, I did a TON of embellishments, all using my punches so it will be relatively painless to put this together AND they will get to see some of our wonderful punches. So, here is a picture of the book with the tags removed - you can see I used the wheel on the background and highlighted with my
Old Olive Stampin' Write Marker. And, here is a close-up shot of the four tags that I made with some of my favorite folks (believe me, there were lots!) from Convention! They are, from left to right:

Kimberly and me - she is my upline but also a very good friend who I love dearly and who amazes me daily with her energy, enthusiasm, generosity, and talent! The next one is of me and my new friend Amber. Amber and I hit it off immediately and although she lives in Southern CA and I love in Northern CA, we have plans to get together because we have so much in common and had such a great time together!! The last picture is of me and Corinne (aka Roxy) who I am sure is my sister and we were just separated at birth - LOL! I have to tell ya, the don't make many people as special as her, I just think she is the sweetest, most beautiful person both inside and out - love ya girlie!! And, the first tag is just a design tag that I am using to illustrate that this project can be done in different ways depending on what they are trying to accomplish! There are 18 ladies scheduled to attend so if they all show up, it should be a very busy but fun time!!! I will let you all know how it goes!! Until then, toodles - I am off to cut kits!!!