Hi all!!!! Well, yesterday was a very busy day, but also a very productive one!!! Car washed, hair cut, Christmas shopping done, tree decorated, baked cookies, mailed out all my Christmas cards....Whew!!! But, I felt good about it even though I had no stamp time!! However, I thought I would share some of the pics I took of the kids as they decorated the tree last night!! I was trying to keep it very upbeat since their dad was not there, and for the most part, I succeeded!! We laughed, looked at all the ornaments, remembered when we bought/made certain special ones, and then I gave them their ornament from me for this year. And, instead of me doing all the hanging of the ornaments, I let them decorate the whole tree by themselves with me just watching and taking pictures!! We had such a good time! And, Kayla and Tyler were actually being nice to each other, which is a welcome change from the norm - LOL! And, look how nice the tree looks! (well, a bit bare since there is nothing under it yet, lol!) They really did a great job!

Here are some fun pictures of the two of them - they crack me up! They were posing and dancing all around with each other in their silly hats.

Here is a sweet picture of the two of them, I just love how this one turned out and can't wait to have it blown up and scrapped!!

And, not to feel left out, Cisco wanted in on the action so we gave him a hat too and he offered to shake my hand - too funny!!! He is such a cutie, even if he is getting to be an old man at 11!! The kids would not let me get away with not having my picture taken, so here is one of me with my new do!

Now, be honest and tell me what you think!! I went for a totally new look, and even had my highlight colors changed to a much lighter shade. I was starting to feel like I looked old and tired, and not very attractive so I thought a new look might make me feel better! I really like it and the kids seem to like it, I just hope Tony does, lol!!! Well, that's i

t for today - I am off and running with a TON of errands, but I really hope to fit in some stamping time today. I hope everyone has a fabulous day, and I promise to stop by and visit later on!