Hi all!!! WOW!! What a fantabulous time we had on this wonderful houseboat - so much fun!! We swam, played games, tubed, skiied, read books, and just hung out!!! We ate a lot (too much, teehee), stayed up late, got up early, and just had a blast!!! We are all nice and tan, and were ready to come home and take a real shower with hot water - LOL! There is a shower on the houseboat, but it is lake water....so, you know we were happy to get in our own! We got home around lunch time today and I have been doing laundry, grocery shopping, and unpacking all afternoon - uggghhh!! BUT, it is all done, everything is back to normal, and now I can enjoy my new goodies that came while I was gone (I love new stamps!) AND announce our blog candy winners - WHOOHOO!!!!! First, the winner of the blog candy for my June sketch - all of you who participated (over 40, thanks!) did a fabulous job, they all ROCKED!!! Thanks so much for doing the sketch since it WAS my first ever! I loved them all! So, since it was a sketch challenge, I could not do random generator for the winner.

In honor of my son being home, I let him choose the winner - we put all the names in a Naval Academy hat and he picked..........DEB aka

Whoohoo, doing the happy dance, I am sooo very excited for you, girl!!! I know she is going through some trying times right now, so I could not be happier that Zach picked her! I will send those right out to you, sweetie! And, the second blog candy was to post while I was gone - and boy, did you all!! I am sincerely blessed with so many wonderful people who visit my humble blog daily - I love you gals, you do my heart a world of good!! I can't believe
I had over 200 names (remember, you got an entry for every day you posted) in the hat - just look at this!!

So, Zach did the honor and drew the name and the winner is......

MY HAPPY PLACE! WHOOHOO Kathleen, she is another regular reader on my blog and a fabulous stampin' friend!!! She is the lucky gal who just won a gift certificate to the
Coconut Scrapshop, which is so fantastic I can't seem to stay out of that place - LOL! So, Kathleen, I will PM you with the details on how to redeem your GC!!! Thanks to everybody who visited me while I was gone this week - I promise to visit all of you tomorrow when I have settled back into a routine! But, I thought I would leave you with a few pics of my trip before I go! This first pic is of

Tony and I standing on the swim deck of the houseboat on the first day - we were already in vacation mode, and loving the water!

This second pic is me relaxing and reading.....well, a scrapbook magazine, LOL! I can't help it, I am addicted - I love reading them over and over, I always see something new. And, lastly, I wanted to share this wonderful pic of my three gorgeous kids!

I know I am biased, but gosh, aren't they good looking??!! I don't know how I produced some wonderful creatures inside and out, but I am thankful God blessed me with them, they really are a joy!! So, I will be back tomorrow with some more pics and hopefully a project!! Till then!!! Smooches!
First to reply! Score!
Alex! I'm so happy that you're back! I missed you! It looks like you guys had a rockin' time! What's your son doing wearing a Marine shirt?! Boo! J/K!
Congrats to all the blog candy winners! Isn't Alex so good to us? Glad to have you back again, chica!
Congrats to the winners!! Looks like you and your lovely family had a great time Alex!!...(I read Scrapbook magazines over and over too..lol)...Hugs, Ila
I loved looking at your awesome pictures, Alex!! I'm glad you hear you had such a wonderful time with your beautiful family!!
Congrats to Deb and Kathleen!!! Woo hoo, girls!!
You're back!! :) Yay! Congrats to the lucky winners! Looks like you have tons of FUN!!!
Welcome back girlfriend! I'm so happy that you got to have such a great family vacation!
So good to have you back, Alex! Look at the houseboat! Looks like a fun and relaxing trip! What a way to spend your holiday! Loving your new piccie of your kiddos on your blog!
welcome home, I missed you!!!! Your pictures are awesome and I love your banner! So glad you had an awesome time with your family.
Welcome home Alex! Sounds like a super awesome family vacation! Lovely photos too, thanks for sharing. Congrats to the winners of the blog candy! Have a great week getting things back to normal! :)
Looks and sounds like you had a fabulous time. I would be wanting a shower too!
Congrats to all the blog candy winners!
So glad you had a fabulous time and thanks for sharing your pictuers with you - you have some cute kids - loved the picture of you reading Scrapbooks - I read the SAME magazine when we went camping a couple of weekends ago! LOL!! Man - a week on a houseboat - what a dream and love the picture on your banner - what an awesome vacation!! Congrats to Deb and Kathleen too!!
Great photos Alex! I'm so glad you guys had a good time. It's great to have you back. :)
Glad you are home! Looks like a ton of fun!
Congratulations winners!
I'm so glad to see you had a good time on vacation! The pictures are all wonderful!
Happy to have you back,
PS - I agree, that is a good lookin' bunch of kids you have there! :-)
I am so glad that you guys had a great trip. You have a beautiful family. :) Congrats to all the candy winners!!
Welcome back! Those are some nice photo's. I am glad to hear that yall had a great time.
Welcome back Alex!!! What a great vacation you guys had on that house boat!!
You are a beautiful family!!!
Congrats to the winners,and you are the best girl!!!
Have a great week Alex!!
welcome home darlin, so glad you ahd a greta time.
I'm glad that you had a wonderful time Alex! It sure looked like fun!
Your photo's are fab! xx
i'm bummin' i didn't win, but so glad that you are back!!! it looks like you had so much fun!!
Oh my goodness! I just can't believe it Alex! Thank you dear Zach for picking my name! My angels are with me! My Dad graduated from the Naval Academey in 1926! Can you believe it? Thank you so very much sweet and kind Alex! This means so much to me! Hugs, Deb
WOW! Love the photos. Looks like you and your magazines had a relaxing time. Welcome back!
Welcome back girlie!! That is a very big houseboat--no wonder you love it. Re my tutorial on Peel-Off's, thank you for your comments. I'll e-mail you with some info.
Fun photos! Sounds like an amazing vacation!
Aw, Deb and Kathleen -- two of the nicest ladies that I know! Congratulations to them!
OMG! I'm green with envy...your vacation just is dreamy! Glad you're back!
Glad your back! looks like you had loads of fun! now the countdown to the 20th anniversary in SLC!! WOOOHOOOO!!!
WELCOME HOME, ALEX !!!!! It sure sounds like you had a fantastic time away !!! I'm so happy for you all !! Well you've got those hugging arms ready???? do ya....do ya....???? Cause I'll be a squeezin you in 21 DAYS !!!!!!!!!!
love ya :)
You certainly have got a gorgeous family! Glad you had a great time on your holiday! I keep the same scrapbook mags to read over and over, I have such a short memory,its like looking at a new mag after a few weeks!
sounds like you had an awesome time!! great to have you back:)
Hi Alex! I am glad you had such a good time on your boating trip! I was boating too! Looks like we have a lot in common!!!
Congrats to the winners!!
Congratulations to the winners !!!
Looks like you all had a great time on the houseboat. Isn't it nice to get away and just relax with the family?! Glad you all had a great time and welcome back:)
Woohoo! I won! I won! Thank you Zach for drawing my name and thank YOU Alex for your generous blog candy! I went over to the Cocount Scrapbook shop and spent it already(and then some). Lots of fun stuff on that site!
I'm glad to hear your trip went great Alex! Welcome back. We missed you!
Congrats to the winners! I love your photos...hey, is that Bruce Willis in that photo with you? Just Kiddin'
Welcome back Alex, thanks for sharing your great photo's with us. x
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