Hi all! I thought I would give you a quick update on the move progress. I have found every muscle in my body - and they hurt!! I have made seven count them SEVEN trips to Goodwill, trying to purge what we don't need in our new home. I also cleaned out all the closets and got rid of clothes and shoes that none of wear anymore, is just plain old, or does not fit (I seem to have a lot in the last category :-( Both attics have now been emptied and everything gone through, sorted, and put away in plastic bins for storage on the other side since most of it is seasonal stuff. Today I had the dubious pleasure of cleaning out the shed outside - yippee!! This entailed all of the lawn equipment having the gas AND oil siphoned out, each machine washed and dried, and then stored neatly in the garage for pickup. Ugghhhh!!! I was saying unkind thinks about my DH, I tell ya!! My deep freezer has been cleaned out and is defrosting as we um speak! So, you all are thinking about now - wow! you are done! Hah!! Don't I wish!! I still have to figure out what is going in the car with me and set that aside to include enough dishes and cookware to see us through the next 3 or 4 weeks. I have to finish sorting my SU! supplies into indestructible bins that I purchased so nothing gets damaged. I have to take down the trampoline out back, get the car weighed both empty and full, AND go to the post office - whew!! THEN, I will be done - LOL! Anyway, enough ranting. I did want to share some pics from the dinner theater the other night. My good friend Vicki and I went to see Steel Magnolias which has always been a favorite movie of mine. Well, let me tell you, we both laughed all the way through the play - it was sooooo awesome!!! They did a wonderful job depicting the movie very accurately and yes, we had wet eyes at the end since it does have its sad parts. It was a great show and we wanted to go before I left. It was last Wednesday but this is the first time I have had the time to post about it. Here are some of the pics of our night out!

This is where we went to see the show. It has a fantastic buffet that is included in the price of your ticket and the food is actually pretty good and there is lots of variety. Here is Vicki and I standing outside the big red doors leading to the box office where you pick up your tickets.

It was a beautiful evening, nothing like the four days of rain we have had since! Once inside, it is decorated in the theme of whatever show is playing at the time so Vicki and I had our picture taken at the pretty setup they had at the entrance to the theater itself. Isn't it p

retty?! The last picture is of us sitting at the table inside the theater. You can't get a great shot of the theater itself because of the funny low lighting they have in there, but here we are! We really really enjoyed ourselves and I cannot wait to have some time to scrap our night out!

Well, I have to get back to work now or I will never get it all done before they show up on Tuesday to take all my stuff away! I have to call tomorrow and have the cable shut off so I will be without my computer come Friday - sniff, sniff!! No blog browsing, no posting, no nothing!!!
I'm right with ya on the moving thing! I NEVER want to move again! It looks like you had a very nice night out, though! Nothing like theater or a movie to take your mind off of things! :)
OMG, I can't believe it the Alhambra Dinner Theatre, used to go there all the time when I lived in Jacksonville. Know what you mean about moving, I have done it too many times to count.
Wow! I feel for you. I hope you can get everything done quickly and then go for a massage! :) Well, at least you'll be with your family again soon.
I can't imagine doing that all by yourself...lots and lots of work! The payoff will be wonderful though. At least you got to enjoy an evening out! ;)
Hi Alex, I was exhausted just reading about everything you have had to get done! I bet you sleep gtreat tonight! So glad you were able to get out to the nice theatre for a evening! Deb
I completey sympathise with you!!! It is just never ending, and you wonder how you managed how to accumulate just so much STUFF!
Your tales of moving so bring it all back to me! We moved for the 4th time in january this year! I must admit though I didn't do the charity shop run until after we moved, I wasnt at all organised with it being just after Christmas so the removal men packed us up and just boxed up everything! It was a mistake though as I am still sorting and doing the charity shop drop offs yet! I still have some boxes to go through but I got to the point where I couldn't face another box so they are still waiting!
glad you managed to get out for the evening, sounds like a great night out, I love the movie too!
I totally agree about moving! I HATE IT!!! I so don't envy you right now.....I know your life is in an uproar and your just counting the days until you can sit back and put your feet up and not worry about what to let the packers pack...what you need to set aside...worrying about what might not make it in one piece...it is an extremely stressful time! Me and my husband always end up loosing it atleast once when we move! LOL We're currently living in house #11 and I'm hoping #12 will be the last! Hang in there girl...it'll all be over soon and you'll be back with your family! Be safe and take care! {smiles}
I'm so sorry that life is so busy for you right now...especially with MOVING !! Ughhhhh!!! I can't believe there are people out there that actually don't mind moving....they should be hurt ! Take a nice break every once in a while and do something nice for yourself and take care !! You'll be on the other side of this move soon.
Have a great one
I think it's great that you got a chance to do something FUN in the midst of all the WORK! I hate moving too! Good luck finishing it all up!
I moved a ton as a kid and hated it! I guess that Is why I am still in the same house as an adult! (16 years so far) We have talked about it but haven't gone through with it! Hope you had fun at the theater!
It sounds like you are doing a great job with the move! I sure feel for you, though!
How fun for you and Vicki to have some 'girl fun' together, and see the show. Great photos, and it sounds like such a wonderful time!
I completely understand the moving thing. We had a house full of stuff and when we moved to Hawaii we could only take the things that would fit in 4 suitcases! Geez, it was hard. But how much fun to see Steel Mag in theaters. Fun! Good luck with the rest of the moving.
Moving is a drag isn't it? It sounds like you have been working your behind off! Good luck with the rest of your move stuff. I hope it goes smoothly for you.
I hate moving also....but we have to do what we have to do*sigh*
Thank you for sharing the pictures Alexandrea I really enjoyed them and the post as well.
I moved last year....and I hope not to do it again until I go to the nursing home! LOL!
LOVE Steel Magnolias! What a fun night!
Oh my girl! Hope that this move thing goes real smooth for you! It's an awful thing to do but soon you will be home with your family!!! That will be sooooooooooo exciting!!
Oh, I will miss your blog! I haven't moved much at all. It doesn't sound like any fun. I am glad that you had fun at the play!
Moving is never fun! Good luck with everything and hopefully all goes smoothly. :0)
Alex, you have done an amazing amount of work. Does this mean you have sold your house? Or are you moving anyway? Glad you had a great evening at Steel Magnolias!
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